Daughter: WARNING!!!! Not In Chronological Order! Sorry guys we sort of skipped ahead!
Mother: WARNING!!!! We are typing this out on my son's Xbox 360.. Yet another of our laptops broke! Not my fault this time.
There has been some upheavals in our life as of late. We have moved across country and are waiting for God to provide for us a new home, as well as the close of the house in New Mexico.
Mother: I have been thinking a great deal about tithing lately. What it means to us as a family. Why God wants us to tithe.
Dughter: The Bible says that 'God does not want a sacrifice but a broken and contrite heart.' Since we were little you all have always told us that we should give to God. In my opinion tithing is not about sacrifice, it is about thankfully giving to God a portion of what he's given to us to better do his service and glorify Him.
Mother: I think that sacrifice is also part of it though. Today while taking the dogs for a walk I stopped and raised my face to the sun to enjoy it's rays. As I stood there I began to pray. Talking to God about why this has been bothering me so much. One of the things He asked me, and has been asking me for sometime, is "what are my reasons for tithing?" I didn't understand what he was trying to teach me. Today for the first time I think I understood. Is my tithe for him or for man? I think I have been fooling myself. I have been tithing because it is what is expected of me as a believer. We give back to the Lord what he has given to us. It is what I have always told you kids. Through this experience however, I am beginning to realize it's more than that. Although in some way I knew this, my tithe's have just become automatic. Something we just did. I forget that it is an important aspect of worship, and obedience. When Abraham willingly sacrificed his son, and God his only son on our behalf, that is sacrifice. When the widow woman in the New Testament (Mark 12: 41-44)gave her all in offering to the Lord.
"The Widow's Offering."
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where offerings were put and watched the crowd
putting their money into the Temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42
but a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. 43
Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "truly I tell you this poor widow, has put more in the
treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty,
put in everything -- All she had to live on."
That was truly sacrifice. Whenever I write my check for offering it hurts. I think of all the other things I can use that money for. Food, Mortgage, Car payments, Electric bills, Phone bills...and on and on. And on some level it should hurt or it wouldn't be a sacrifice. Yet God loves a cheerful giver and has always given to us more abudndantly than we can ever imagine. Tithing has never interfered with the blessings.
Daughter: Tithing shouldn't be seen as an interference anyways! Tithing is a blessing to us as givers as a form of worship to our God! Though it might have hurt the widow to give, she gave anyways. But not out of duty, this woman gave out of joy! I am sure that God appreciates our gifts more so when we are excited and glad to give. If we are financially hurting and not willing to give then we should not give, for how can we bring Him glory by complaining or giving with a heavy heart?
Mother: Well said. Amen!